Originally Posted By: Kale Mann
Man am I going to regret getting in to this, but I have got to agree with Andy here.

Originally Posted By: andrew p hurla
. . . There are still pieces of the puzzle beyond our grasp, no matter what framework we operate in.

Furthermore, none of you are actually reading the other's posts entirely, that much is clear. It has kind of become two siblings screaming over each other and not really even remembering what they are fighting over. Which is a shame, because it is a very interesting topic that deserves respect from both sides.

I am a Biology/Chemistry teacher and also a Christian. There is absolutely no conflict with the Theory of Evolution and a strong belief in religion and a God. I have worked for PHD. Biologists while in college who were fundamentalist Christians but also believed in the Theory of Evolution because it explained what they saw on a daily basis.

I Initially typed a very long response, but on 2nd thought didn’t think anyone would read it entirely so I am going to break it down into smaller bite size posts.

You obviously are using the term "fundamentalist Christian" very loosely! To say that you believe in methodological naturalism and also believe in supernaturalism? Which is it when it comes to origins science, Kale?

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12