If God did create everything by His spoken word as the Bible says He did, would science be able to find evidence of it? If you say no, then what good is science if it can't find the truth? I have had conversations with Ph.D. level Scientists, some that teach at Division I prestigious universities that have told me they NEVER use the evolutionary model when conducting their scientific work. Throughout their education process, they were taught that it actually got in the way of their research. So what does that say about highly educated scientists that disagree with you about the evidence of evolution? What do you say about the fraud in science textbooks and the false statements claiming fact only to find out that they are based on assumptions? Haeckel's embryo drawings were fake. His theory was invalid and yet textbook authors perpetuate the fraud without commenting on the inaccuracy.

Your last point is very telling and led me to question your definition of a fundamental Christian. You also use the label "currently accepted scientific theories" loosely. Have you come to a point that you cannot have a literal interpretation of scripture? Do you view the bible as unreliable? I have talked to several biblical literalists that take Genesis 1-12 at face value along with it's description that the earth is very young and that Adam was a real man. If you believe in millions of years, you cannot believe that Adam was a real man. They have high level science degrees and have debated many college professors in public with great success.

Have you seen the movie, Expelled? Your thoughts?

I do really appreciate your demeanor and tone of your response. It's refreshing and does help the dialogue.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12