Originally Posted By: Kale Mann

I appreciate being able to have a calm discussion with someone about this for a change. I am deliberately not responding to the troll on here in hopes that he will go away.

Good point. I will do the same.

Originally Posted By: Kale Mann

I do however need to clarify a few points.

Originally Posted By: Chief Renegade
If God did create everything by His spoken word as the Bible says He did, would science be able to find evidence of it? If you say no, then what good is science if it can't find the truth?

I think you are missing the point here. IF God created the universe with a spoken word, science would not be able to find evidence, because science would not be looking for that answer. Science could look to see how that happened- meaning what physical laws were followed for the universe to come to exist in its present form, which is exactly what the field of physics studies. Again, science studies the natural world, God and His spoken word would be a supernatural explanation. Not a bad explanation, just not a scientific one.

You can readily see evidence of design. Homology is a problem for evolution, not a help. Also the study of radiometric halos point to a young earth.

Originally Posted By: Kale Mann
The reason it is not a scientific answer would be that it would end the area of study. What would have happened if John Snow and simply said “God is making people sick and die” instead of tracing the source of the cholera outbreak in London to a water pump handle? We would not have deveolped the modern Germ Theory or medicine as we know it. The “God did it answer” is a dead end (I do not mean that in a negative context) for science because it ends the area of inquiry. Science is interested in the HOW, not the WHO.

The how shows evidence of design. Like you would look at a murder scene and know there is a murderer. It doesn't have to define who, just that it wasn't random chance. In my opinion time and chance requires a great amount of faith without evidence.

Originally Posted By: Kale Mann
I would say that I would be extremely surprised if these scientists were conducting research in the biological fields, especially as related to genetics, cellular function, medicine, or phylogenetic relationships between organisms. There are many areas of science that an individual could conduct research and earn a PhD without using the Evolutionary theory such as Chemistry, Physics and Geology, etc. Still there are others who have PhD’s in the social sciences, who claim to be scientists.

I have talked at length with these two among others...

Scott Minnich - a professor of Microbiology at the University of Idaho.
Stephen Meyer - Cambridge University graduate and one of the smartest guys I know.

Originally Posted By: Kale Mann
A major criticism I have of the Anti-Evolution camp is their cherry picking of a few controversial (and widely discredited people even by scientists who helped develop evolution) and showing their flaws.

There are many other examples. I talked with Professors at KU that agreed with me that the textbooks are very slow to change and much is still being taught that should not be.

Originally Posted By: Kale Mann
A clarification- I never presented my self as a fundamentalist Christian, only as a Christian (one who believes in God and His only Son Jesus Christ). Regarding my own personal beliefs, I feel that they are and should remain personal. In an answer to your last question above, I personally do find the Bible to be reliable, I just don't know that I am relying on it the same way you are.

Kale, Two points that come to mind and I mean no harm in addressing them. Even the demons believed in God and His Son Jesus Christ. It is through true repentance and trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ that we are saved. I am not saying that you haven't, I'm just stating what the bible tells us. The bible also says that every man is a liar and that the only truth is God's word. That word will set you free. Every single example of a regenerated believer in the bible reveals that believer as excited and unashamed of the Gospel. We are commanded to go tell others to the end of the earth. It is certainly not to be kept to ourselves.

Originally Posted By: Kale Mann
I have not, nor have I heard of it. Unfortunately with my job and young family there is precious little time for any other activities.

PM me your address and I will mail you a copy of the documentary. It is really well done and I know you would at least find it interesting.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12