Nickerson Jr. Panthers will be bringing 8-9 girls to Garden Plain and both of the Girls State Tournaments in McPherson, along with going to Nationals in OK - I am going to post their ages and weights so hopefully more girls will enter

K. Kreutzer - 6 and under - 34 lbs
J. Miller - 6 and under - 52lbs
D Bagby - 8 and under - 64 lbs
J Call - 8 and under - 95 lbs
A Bagby - 10 and under - 64 lbs
N.Moore -10 and under - 64 lbs
K. Edwards - 10 and under 82 lbs
C. Smith - 10 and under 90 lbs

Please respond if you have girls around the same age and weight that will be at these tournaments so we know if they will have anyone to wrestle.