In Nebraska kids are only allowed to loose a small percentage of weight a week, based on their body fat. This prevents kids from letting their weight fluctuate much, making the art of cutting weight much healthier and safer. If a kid was supposed to weigh in at 123, based on their weight loss plan, but they weighed 125 at weigh-ins, their weight loss for next week would also be adjusted.

I know there is still the possibility that kids can balloon up, but when they are not allowed to drop large amounts of weight at a time, they tend to be more reasonable and just eat healthier to loose the 2-3 lbs that they need to for that week.

I'm a huge believer of eating healthy to cut weight, and I make my guys, regardless of weight class, eat this way. We had two kids this year that made weight and come Monday they were 12 lbs heavier. As a coach, I felt it was my responsibility, since I encourage them to cut weight, to prevent them from continuing this life hindering cycle, so I held them out of all the competitions for the following week. It never happened again and even a week after season they are still eating healthy and maintaining their weight. I know I have way less experience as a coach than most of the coaches, but I am here to make my wrestlers better for the future, teaching them to diet properly is something that EVERYONE can benefit from.
Just my 2 cents on the whole topic, but having the second weigh in limits the amount of weight that a person can cut using a crash diet, which ultimately is more beneficial to the child.

Ricky Creek

Ricky Creek
Head Wrestling Coach
Sabetha Middle/High School