The official made the call. Nothing more. There aren't any rules that say you have to agree with an official's call, but there are rules that say you can't head butt your opponent. Whether or not you think the act merited FM over USC is your opinion and everyone is entitled to an opinion. Please be careful placing blame on the official. He made the call that he thought was best at the time and doesn't have the benefit of hindsight, video, or slow motion replays. He also doesn't need me to defend him, but he is a good friend and better offical. If you think he doesn't take a call like that home with him then you are sorely mistaken.

I have said this before and I will say it again, wrestlers dicatate the outcome of a match, not the official. Wrestling is full of life lessons. I feel terrible for the Seaman wrestler and can only hope that the situation has taught him a valuable life lesson.

Jamie Sauder