The selecting of officials is normally not based on quality of official but more of a popularity contest. This is particulary not good when you consider the best official is one that you don't know his name!

I would like to create a tracking tool that records all officials who officiate during the season. The tournament director would be mandated to enter each official and a grade A-D based on their performance. This data could be provided to a selection committee. The same officials should not be used year in and year out as this doesn't provide for a progression of development. However, officials should be graded at state and this should be used as part of the evaluation process for the next year.

I encourage clubs to sponsor their HS and college kids who were wrestlers to encourage them to develop into officials. THE BEST OFFICIALS ARE FORMER WRESTLERS, NO DEBATE. We need to find ways to pay for their registration and make sure they are getting the nod for assignments to novice and open tournaments.

I would also recommend a process of limiting the amount of tabling that occurs during the qualifying series. Two judgement questions and you go to the stands. If it is judgement the official is NOT going to change his mind. If it is a rules question and you are right no harm done but if you are wrong twice you go to the stands. Mat officials need to be willing to summon the head official for ratification. The head official SHOULD NOT be working the mat as they should be roving the area to clarify and evaluate.

Just a few thoughts...

Will Cokeley