I agree that the same officials need to not be the ones at state year in year out. But on the other hand some of the officials that are there year in year out are asked to do so for good reason, because they do a good job. So I don’t think we can penalize them for that. For example I believe Van Kuhn is there most years and deservedly so. On the other hand there are a few (not to be named) that should not be there at all, a little lone year in and year out. A grading system would work if the head official was honest with the grades, and not revert back to the "Buddy System"

I agree with you that we need to be more open with dropping names of GOOD OFFICIALS rather than always talking about the questionable ones, which gets their names out there instead of the quality officials.

I don’t know how we can ensure that the best officials are represented at state, but hopefully someone comes up with an idea soon, as this is becoming a year in year out problem.

Lets get officials pictures on the webpage so we can put faces to the names.