Craig Cassity and I will be doing the live stream commentating for the 5&6A tournament in Wichita this weekend. It's not always easy to keep it entertaining, but with your help we can do our best.

Please e-mail or post interesting tid-bits about state qualifiers for us. If you have a "shout out" for a fan that's not able to attend, some good history, or anything else that will promote wrestlers and wrestling, we'd love to have this information. I personally love getting to tell the stories of our military families that are serving our country instead of getting to be with their families at state. Those are the heroes.

The sooner you can get this to us, the better. And I thank you in advance for all of your help.

Have a great day!

"The days I can keep my gratitude higher than my expectations...those are good days" ~ Judy Hubbard