Correct me if I am wrong (which there is a great likelihood of me being) but the kid I was watching, that was NOT BLEEDING, was given FIVE minutes injury time and he milked every second of it.

Right. Who are we to judge but if a bus is coming down the road and you are in the middle of the road looking the WRONG way . . . you would most likely be very happy for me to make a JUDGEMENT and for me to say, "Hey, DUDE! Get out of the road and do it QUICK." Judgments are part of life. Without them no one survives. The trick is to try to make 'correct' judgments.

So . . . those of you that know the rules better than me . . . how much time is a wrestler allowed if it is not a BLOOD issue and how much time are they allowed if it is a BLOOD issue?

Thank you.

Thank God for the judgments Rosa Parks made.

"On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks refused to obey bus driver James F. Blake's order that she give up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger, after the white section was filled."

Some rules are stupid and need to be changed. Maybe this is one of them (injury time outs).

"When Parks refused to give up her seat, a police officer arrested her. As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked, "Why do you push us around?" She remembered him saying, "I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."

Again . . . some laws/rules are stupid and need to be changed for the good of EVERYONE.

D. Dean Welsh, Junction City
***Dean plays well with others!!! ;-)