It appears this thread and The High School Division are the same, a group of people 'crying' about some kid that changed clubs and in effect, changed districts right before the state serious. I cannot believe this kid has been called out by name and virtually no one is having a fit. Just a few weeks ago somebody asked on here what happened to a certain kid and he got pounced on.

Go ahead and pass a rule against Lee said, you must start with the club and practice with it so you can deserve to wrestle in the state series. Really, I think a 4 time High School state champ practiced for Team Central and then wrestled at least one year for Mat Side (Will's club) in the State series. Doubt if he wrestled for Mat Side at many tourneys thru the year. I think this is just fine. But,your rule would of precluded him from wrestling in the Kansas State Series. Is that what you want.

If you start passing rules where does it stop. Title IV had good intentions, but the end result was devastating for college wrestling. There are always unintended consequences. Better draw you rule up right.

And, Mike, I do not think Beeson is talking about me. I have 1 son that now wrestles in college and we never switched districts. But, we did not always wrestle for the club closest to us and neither does my grandson. They have, and will, wrestle for the club(s) which I think is the best fit for them, and that includes going out of state sometimes. Fortunately, the decision of what club to wrestle for is not based on some rule.

You know this is really a terrible, petty topic, when Will does not even chime in. Will always has an opinion. LOL

Last edited by John Johnson; 03/24/14 01:06 AM.