Phippen, Wow I don't know the story. I do know I almost had a heart attack reading our fearless leaders quotes. Sad, sad, representation. Let's all go out and have a very ordinary day!!! Let's be sure our kids in ks remain very ordinary. Don't play catch with them or teach them how to spell " more better dan hour boarder staytes"
It kind of reminds me of when they showed our governor at the KU WSU basketball game last week, a couple of popular folks.
I do know I want Phippen on my team and in my foxhole!! They don't make them any better than T.P.! Trust me he did not get there the easy way, he earned all of his accolades and respect! Much like almost every other wrestler that has ever touched a mat. Fight the fight, do it properly, and don't let them break you.

It’s a great day to be alive