This tournament is looked forward to by so many kids
The chance of winning a belt means a ton to these kids.

But I just want to say how disappointed I am at the people running the head table

In all of these post you talk about No Double dipping and 1st and 2nd year only true novice.

But you allowed kids to double dip and you allowed kids who have wrestled for 4 years to wrestle novice.

And when it was brought to their attention the reply was oh it's too late now, you should of told us before the bracket started but hey we can give you your money back...

Its YOUR job to make sure these types of things do not happen.
And Im sure theres the excuse of but with 1400+ kids a few mistakes are going to happen.
With all of the money you are charging...
You can afford to pay someone to do that!

And just know this...
I am a believer of kids who have wrestled more than one to two years still being of Novice Caliber.
But we made those kids wrestle open because that was the very clear rules stated in your tournament guidelines.

Its tough that WE have to have to go explain to little Timmy AND little Johnny
I know you wrestled your azz off
But Sorry your not in the finals because some kids parent or COACH decided not to follow the rules and the adults running the thing are too busy to make it right!
Thats a hard conversation to have with an 8 year old.
Those kids should of been scratched
Their matches Forfeited

And THEIR coach should have to explain to them why it went down that way.

To the Semper Fi coach...
The fact that you Knowingly and Openly admitted in front of everyone to signing a kid up that had wrestled for more then 2 years (even if it was with 3 different clubs), and then uses the excuse that you had special permission, just speaks to your level of integrity!

Lance Tracy