A lot of these problems would be solved simply by graduating seniors being more prepared for being a student athlete. Unfortunately there are way to many kids that struggle in the classroom or in the wrestling room and do not deal well with it. Now the coach has to worry more about grades and keeping kids out of trouble which takes time away from promoting the program and recruiting. Then when the kids quit (which is inevitable that about 25% of college wrestlers will give up the sport at sometime) the time they spent with that student athlete does not show the community how invested these coaches actually are. Additionally those kids no longer being on the roster means less support from their local wrestling communities which further hurts the programs. There are several in the Kansas wrestling community that have done incredible things in creating a lot of college opportunities and I applaud them for that. Too many of us complain about all these things and don't actually do very much to help these programs out though. Go to a dual, get to know the kids on the roster, make them feel at home. Invest in the kids as a community to help coaches keep them in the program.

Curtis Chenoweth