A few things need to get worked out in my humble opinion. 1) Do head coaches get extra pay? I am assuming this will mean extra time/work for them. 2) How are practices going to be held? Do you hold the male and female practices together or split them up? 3) The two year rule. Is it only for competitions and post-season or is the "grace" period for actually starting a women's team? The rule, as I read it, only applies to competitions for two years. Maybe I missed the part of allowing schools to not create a separate team. 4) What about state? Will mens' teams coaches draw straws to see who goes to Salina or Wichita?
As I stated before, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. I hope, for the women involved, it will get all the support they need.

Jerad Gorney
Assistant Wrestling Coach- GEHS