The State Board had a conference call tonight concerning the District and State tournaments. There were several decisions that were made and clarified concerning the tournaments need to be shared with you.

Girl's Division
The requirement for girls to compete the State tournament is that they must register and weigh-in at their District tournament (or designated satellite weigh-in sites) to compete at State. There will be a Girl's division at this year's District tournament for the girls to wrestle in. They are not required to wrestle at the District tournament but are required to register and weigh-in. Brackets at both District and State for the Girl's division will be Madison Block bracketing.

The decision was made to not allow walk-ons to the State tournament for this year. Wrestlers will need to qualify for the State tournament.

The process of backfilling brackets with wrestlers from other Districts should one District not be able to qualify 4 wrestlers for State will continue this year as it has in the past.

State Sessions
The State tournament will be wrestled in sessions this year. The High School division will be wrestled on Friday. Saturday the 8 & Under and 10 & Under divisions will be wrestled. Sunday the 10 & Under and 12 & Under divisions will be wrestled. Girl's divisions will wrestle at the same time as the respective age group counterparts. HS boys and girls divisions will both wrestle Friday, etc. etc. As we get closer to the tournament, we will get more information out with times, etc.

Last edited by TrooperBen; 02/17/21 01:09 PM.