Originally Posted by Dylan Hitchcock
They need to move the boys and girls together and do it Th, Fr, Sat and do sessions. Its not fair to the boys or girls to have their state tournament on a Wed and Th when no one can come. It was kind of embarassing how small the crowd was during the girls finals Thursday afternoon.

I think the issue is we have Boys in 3 different venues. Girl's in 2.

If anything, put Boys on one Weekend, and Girls on another. In Nebraska they do that with basketball...you have a huge draw in Lincoln on 2 consecutive weeks with all divisions spread at various venues in one town.

Give each division a 2 week break to heal (like college). This would allow for many colleges to recruit more too since they normally are same time as KSHAA. Maybe 2nd and 4th Weekend can be Girl's in Even Years with the Boy's being 1st and 3rd Weekends for qualifiers and such- Also while we are at it, allow for the 4a and 321a to wrestle out to 5th place at regionals in case someone is injured and has to scratch...9th in 5/6a.

Yours in wrestling,

The Swayz
swayz.wrestling@gmail.com recruiting help, promoting the sport& more!