ok everyone this is rediculouse, i do agree that both are GREAT WRESTLERS AND I HAVE THE UPMOST RESPECT FOR EACH. i also think that everyone should be able to voice their opionion in this matter also. but i also belive that everyone should be able to voice their opinion without being bashed by other people because of what they think. all mike church sr was doing was stating his opinion and he was just asking others to state theirs also. Nigel too was only stating his opinion. KSGRM you say that just because nigel wasnt at the toruny that he cant vote on it? that isnt right. everyone has their opinions. danny beat a great kid and rightley deserves it as did may other wrestlers. its just that most of the people belived that danny desereved it more. if you look on a different topic i had joe as favored to win but i was wrong and danny did and very deserving it was. congrats danny. thats my OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont have a cow, its just a post