Alright. In Honors' English(Yes.Scotty's smart enough to be there.)
We’ve just finished reading an except from Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography. Then we read Robert Fulghum’s “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”: And now we have to make a poster over it. Basically, we have to come up with atleast seven rules in a sense playing off of “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”: I’ll get the link for you all to read later. We choose something to fill in the blank. “All I Really Need to Know I Learned From [insert choice here]" Obviously I'm choosing to go with Wrestling. I’ve come up with Seven. And we need at least 7.We have to give explanations of them. So any suggestions?
Here are mine:

1. Learn to do moves right; make a bad move and you’re pinned.
Meaning: Do things right the first time. If you mess up, you’ll get into trouble.
2. You’re going to get bloody noses; just stuff the cotton up your nose and get back to the mat.
Meaning: You’ll get scratched up and bruised; just get right back up
3. No Matter how tired you are, you can ALWAYS squeak out ONE MORE pushup.
Meaning: Humans are wells of infinite potential.
4. Black eyes are GREAT; I use less eye shadow this way.
Meaning: Always see the positive side of things.
5. Wrestle Freestyle and Greco-Roman.
Meaning: Have a Balanced Life.
6. The only way to win matches is to stay intense the whole time, not relax any, and score when the opportunity comes.
Meaning: Stay Alert at all times. Try Your Best. Give a hundred percent.
7. To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.
Meaning: Just Believe

My Favorite People List:
Aaron Sweazy
Coach Ed and Ms. Jenni,
Curtis Chenoweth
Bronco Wrestler aka Alexandra