Vince, that individual obviously didn't do their homework as Stallone answers that question and many others in a previous interview that is readily available from the studio, and . It was released long and prior to the movie. The long and short of the answer to that question, is that, yes, years later it is possible to come back as a result of some treatment methods which is well documented from a scientifc basis in that area. Think about medical advances in the last 10-20 years. I know personally from CT Scans and other treatments that there has been tremendous advances, even regarding things like knee injuries as an example, 10 years ago, a ACL was a career ending injury, now a days, it isn't that big of a deal and many sports figures come back from it stronger than ever. In our own sport, TC Dantzler is an example of that. Again, simple answer, yes medical advances make things possible that used to not exist. Again, Stallone answers those and many other questions in many interviews that the one reviewer could have checked out as could anyone else.