Best Forum Group of the Year -

Most Controversial Post of the Year - Fantasy Wrestler...Furches v. Caldwell

The Most Fun Post of the Year - R.A.O.S. I have no idea what goes on here, but it has the most replies.

Best Match of the Year Freestyle -

Best Match of the Year Greco -

Best Match of the Year Folkstyle - Arnold/Isenberg Newton Finals

Best New Member of the Year -

Best New Kids Wrestler of the Year - Cale Blazy Carroll Jr. Wrestling

Best High School Wrestler of the Year - Romero Cotton

Best Freestyle Wrestler of the Year - Romero Cotton

Best Greco Wrestler of the Year - Nathan Furches

Best All Round Wrestler of the Year - Romero Cotton

Best Moderator of the Year - USAWKS, Randy Hinderliter

Best Post of the Year - Furches V. Caldwell

Best HS Tournament of the Year - Derby

Best Kids Tournament of the Year - Salina TOC...Coaches Hospitality room...need I say more.

Best FS/Greco Tournament of the Year -

The Most Informative Post of the Year -

The USAWKS Lifetime Achievement Award - Greg Grater

The USAWKS Kids Coach of the Year - Kramers from Goddard. Those SOB's get it. This still means I hate losing to them.

The USAWKS HS Coach of the Year - The staff at Bishop Carroll

The USAWKS Official of the Year - Kenny Taylor Jr.

The USAWKS Fan of the Year - Swayz

The USAWKS Female Wrestler of the Year -

The USAWKS Person of the Year - Mike Marrow (Another coach that "gets it".

The USAWKS School of the Year - Bishop Carroll

The USAWKS Wrestler of the Year - Romero Cotton